📍 Bolt Help / Fraud & Risk / Chargebacks & Disputes / Dispute Codes
Dispute Codes
Know each dispute code and what it means.

Bolt has consolidated and standardized reason codes used by different credit card networks to make it easier to understand why a dispute has occurred. Refer to the following table to determine what each dispute reason code means:

Reason Code Description
authorization_failed Authorization was declined or not present
cancelled_recurring Recurring charge was cancelled
cardholder_dispute Other generic cardholder unhappiness with a purchase. Cardholder is aware of transaction
currency_error Incorrect currency, or problem translating currency in international order
duplicate Cardholder has already been charged for this transaction, or paid by other means
fraud_general Other reasons for fraud
fraud_no_authorization Cardholder claims they did not authorize/participate in the transaction
incorrect_amount Charge was for different amount than customer agreed to pay
late_presentment Transaction was submitted to processor outside of time frame
processing_error Other generic processing error
processor_general Processor-specific reason code that does not provide additional information
product_defective Goods were not as described or there was a problem with quality
product_not_received Customer did not receive the product or service
product_returned Customer returned the product but did not get credited
request_for_information Retrieval request that does not involve money movement
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