A comprehensive list of components needed to install the Bolt Ignite package.

Initialize Bolt

On each page, the Bolt client must be initialized before using any components.

if (Bolt != null) {
} else {
  // Use `document.head` if the Bolt script is located in the document <head></head>
  // make sure you add the id "bolt-embed" to your Bolt script tag.
    .addEventListener("load", initBolt, { once: true });

function initBolt() {
  const boltPublishableKey = YOUR_KEY;

  // start using Bolt

You can wrap this in a promise for ease of use if you want to easily reuse this logic across pages.

const boltReadyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
  if (Bolt == null) {

    .addEventListener("load", resolve, { once: true });
}).then(() => {
  const boltPublishableKey = YOUR_KEY;

async function initBolt() {
  await boltReadyPromise;

  // start using Bolt


You can also localize the Bolt modal by adding the language parameter when instantiating the Bolt modal. The value of this parameter must be in ISO format.

Bolt.initialize(boltPublishableKey, {
  language: "fr-CA",


Account Creation Checkbox
Allow shoppers to opt out of Bolt Account creation.
Login Modal and Email Detection
Enable Bolt Shoppers to login to their Bolt Accounts on your store frontend.
Login Button
Allow shoppers to authenticate their session as a Bolt user to accelerate login and checkout.
Payment Fields
Add Bolt's payment fields component to leverage the Bolt Tokenizer.
Signed In Button
Allow shoppers to confirm that they are signed into their Bolt Account.
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