📍 Bolt Help / Dashboard / Checkout Settings / Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandoned cart emails alert shoppers to return and complete their purchase.
Abandoned Carts

An abandoned cart occurs when a shopper has a non-empty cart, opens checkout, fills in at least their email, but does not complete the checkout process. Merchants can remind shoppers of their full cart using an automated email notification to help them complete their intended purchase.


Email Contents

Abandoned cart emails contain the following:

  • Subject: Your cart is waiting for you ([www.website.com]).
  • Sender: merchant name
  • Sender Address: info@bolt.com
  • Reply-to Email: merchant’s support email address.


There are four main statuses you can review:

Email Status Description
New Email is in the queue to be sent.
Skipped Email will not be sent due to duplication (repeat abandonment) or staleness (shopper returned and completed checkout).
Emailed Email has been sent.
Recovered Email was sent and helped a shopper complete their checkout.


Notification Behavior

Abandoned Cart Emails are sent 4 hours after abandonment. Merchants can also choose to send out a second email after 24 hours. The Complete your purchase button sends the shopper to your storefront’s homepage.

Bolt also automatically detects when Abandoned Cart Emails should not be sent to avoid scenarios where a shopper’s card was declined.


You must have either Merchant Admin permissions or Developer permissions to enable Abandoned Cart Emails from the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.

  1. Log into the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Checkout > Shopper Notifications.
  3. Scroll to Abandoned Cart Emails.
  4. Update the following fields: abandoned-cart-settings
  5. Scroll to Business Physical Address.
  6. Select Edit.
  7. Input your physical address. This is required for compliance purposes in order to use Abandoned Cart Emails.
  8. Select Update.

You can disable both the 4-hour and 24-hour Abandoned Cart Email notifications using the same steps.


Platform Supported Products

Custom Cart / Direct API


Magento 1

Adobe Commerce / Magento 2

(Adobe acquired the Magento brand in May 2018.)

Netsuite ERP

  • Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout.
    • Bolt supports checkout for Netsuite’s Enterprise Resource Planning product.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud SFRA

  • Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout.
    • Bolt allows checkout integrations for site built with SFRA (Salesforce Resource Architecture).



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